The Power of Many

There was once a time when it was just me providing social media management. I was working a lot of hours. But I wasn’t meeting any of my targets or accomplishing the goals I so desperately wanted to accomplish.


Doing everything on your own isn’t just difficult, it’s almost impossible.  There simply aren’t enough hours in the day!

The best way I have found to maximise your business potential is to share it with others.  Find yourself a partner, or two or three. You can’t do everything. So you have to find others that do things that complement your craft.

Perhaps you’re a social media manager so you partner with a few independent photographers. Or you’re a web builder who specializes in blogs so you partner with a copywriter. Maybe you’re a roofer so you partner with a masonry guy.

​Or maybe you’re me… so you partner with a photographer, a stylist, a coach and a copywriter!
Everyone has their specialty. Maybe you refer work back and forth. Or maybe you do the work together as a team. Maybe you decide someday to actually go into business together. You pool your resources and your talent, and together you can offer more.

When something needs to be done you will eventually stop thinking to yourself, “how will I do this?” and instead start thinking, “who will I get to do this with me?”

The power of one becomes the power of many and you not only increase your business, but you increase your confidence and you magnify your reach!


So go ahead. Quit your job. Be your own boss. You may make a comfortable living. But if you really, really want to succeed you will join others because together you can achieve anything!

Love & Umbrellas

HUM Team xo


Issue Two Launch


Why did we create Her Umbrella Magazine?