This inspired life


this inspired life - tash herbert

It’s a Scam….

That’s what so many people told me when I first decided to take the plunge into the world of MLM.

What’s that you might ask? Multi Level Marketing, or to be specific in my case, Network Marketing.

I want to tell you a little about my journey, so I can paint the picture as to how and why I got into Network Marketing.
And mostly how it has changed the life of my family and so many other families that I have now introduced this too.

I was a part of the corporate world.
I was a Youth Worker for a well-known organisation.
I was stuck in the 9 to 5 grind, known in my world now as the ‘Thief of time’.

I had my last week left of maternity leave after having my 1st beautiful little girl.
After 12 months of to nurture my 1st baby, I was so excited to go back to work.
I had been and brought a whole new work wardrobe and organised my little girl to go to day-care for the first time.
I was so ready to talk to adults again and to regain my own financial independence.

In that last week of maternity leave I got a letter in the mail.
A letter from the company that I worked very hard for, telling me that they aren’t going to renew the program, due to lack of Government funding and that I was being made redundant. Effective immediately.

In that moment, everything stood still.
In that moment I seen the bigger picture of the corporate world, the bigger picture of what working for somebody else actually meant.

It meant that, somebody else was always going to decide whether or not my bills got paid.
It meant that, someone else decided what food feeds my family every day.
It meant that it was someone else’s decision on the quality of education my children were going to get.

I was never going to get the chance to be the top dog of the company, the CEO.
As we all know, there can only be one at a time right. And everyone wants it.

At this time, we decided to have our 2nd child.
Utilizing the time off.
I absolutely love being a mum and I am so blessed that I got to spend the time that I did at home raising them.
But, its not all rainbows and butterflies. I lost my sense of purpose, I lost my passion, and I lost myself along the way and become very isolated.

I couldn’t afford to go out and buy my girls the pretty clothes that all my friends could.
I stopped getting my hair done and everything else that mums need occasionally to make us still feel human through all the shitty nappies, bottles and our partners washing.

I found myself in a dark place, I was so terrified that I would never get out of.

Then I started watching one of my new friends on social media. She was in the same situation as me, two young girls, a stay at home mum.
With her, I could see things changing, getting better. She was starting to really love life again and started radiating positivity.
She was banging on about her excitement for this new ‘thing’ that she had started.
It got the better of me, so I had to ask what she was up to, what had changed.

That is when I found the light at the end of the tunnel.
She had joined a network marketing business.
I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, I learnt it all along the way.

I had millions of questions, but when I was told that I could do this whilst being at my own home, raising my two little girls at the same time as earning an income, then I was in.

I had little money at this stage, so to be totally honest, I actually skipped my car payment that week to join the business. To own my own independent franchise.

I felt guilty about it for weeks, but one thing I knew was I was going to make this work.
It was either that or I go and work to build someone else’s dreams whilst I paid someone else to raise my two little girls that I brought into this world.

I was so lucky that I was introduced into such and amazing company that is full of integrity and heart.
It is a community of like-minded people, women and mums that support and raise each other up.

My mentors believed in me, even before I could believe in myself.
It has been an amazing journey with loads of personal development along the way.

I get to choose who I work with, when I work and where I work, yep you will see me working from the beach or the local coffee shop.
I have met some of my dearest friends along the way that I will have for life.

I have travelled places I never thought would be possible.
It has made me a better Mum, a happier partner and I have found myself confidence again.

It has given me the opportunity to pass this on to over 30 different mums / families that are all now at least covering their house mortgagees in this business.

It’s the way that the world is going and has allowed my family and I move from a county rural town to now living in paradise. Allowing us to follow our dreams.
I have retired my fiancé and I am setting up a great future for our two beautiful little girls.
I am 29 years young now and I have been doing this just under 2 years, I am so excited to see what else the future has to hold.

In this industry, it doesn’t matter weather you are a stay at home mum, a working mum that wants to have the security of plan B, if you’re a Uni student that needs and extra income to get though those tight times, or in your 50’s wanting a healthier retirement, or a business owner that is sick of working to many hours in the day, anyone can succeed in this industry.
You can do it in your stolen moments, around your family, to live life on your own terms and within your own values.
The network marketing industry is now worth over 178 Billion dollars.

Not trading time for money like in a traditional J.O.B where you can only make money between certain hours of the day.
In network marketing you can make money all around the clock.

You cant buy your way up, it is earnt, and you earn it by helping others and that is my absolute favourite part.

To see my team succeed and hearing how we are constantly changing the life of your customers is the most rewarding part.

I will never ever work for anyone else ever again, this way I am in total control of how much I earn, the hours I work, and if my little girls have a sporting event at school, I can go to everything without having to ask permission from someone sitting behind a desk making decisions for me.

If a small town country girl like me can do it, then anyone one can.

I am so extremely passionate to help, teach and mentor other women and mums to do the same thing that I have.

If you need the change I did, or want to explore different options like this, I would absolutely love to hear from you.

You can contact me via Email –